So proud to be invited to Pannawonica for an awesome project!

We hit the road 1500km from home to the mining town in the Pilbara. I worked with the girls from the Shire of Ashburton to put on a community project. It was great fun getting the kids (plus a few big kids!) involved with painting workshops.

We supplied the kids with Pilbara themed timber cutouts – a Corella, a Dragonfly and a Bungarra. Firstly they traced around the cutout on paper, worked out their design and coloured it in, then painted the cutout to later be applied to the mural.

I painted a 10 x 2.5m Pilbara themed mural in the Pannawonica Community Hall. I was extremely happy to be inside in aircon as it was HOT! 43 degress and very humid! The locals were happy though with the cool change!!!

The mural was unveiled at their local event ‘Reflections of Robe Valley’ and I heard it was received very well. It was a big day – including an art exhibition, a colour run and the mural unveiling. The kids were so excited to be a part of the Community artwork – I love getting the community involved.

So it was a great project! There’s nothing better than getting out to the Pilbara – I love it! Next up Paraburdoo community workshops in a few weeks for a public art design for the Paraburdoo Swimming Pool and Community Hub.

Can’t wait to hit the road again!